Sunday, December 23, 2007

Scattered Thoughts.

- Iqbal said , in his book Stray Reflections ,

' For centuries eastern heart and intellect have been absorbed in the question - Does God Exist?. I propose to raise a new question - new that is to say , for the East - Does man exist?

'I question the very idea to take it forward , Existence as compared to what? fellow humans? Animals? Plants? - or even non-existence?

- Muslims have become a creed of blind followers. We follow leaders , without questioning their ability to lead us. Its as true for a political movement as it is true for religious ideals. We dont question the authority. What is it that differentiates Quran? Its ability to stand the force of questioning. Its invitation to question. How wonderfully it asks humans to come up with a rational opposition to its theories. Thats the power of truth. But what are we now? We dont question because of fear. We are more willing to burn effigies than to actually dig out the real issue. Such a waste of intellect , time and feelings.

- God & Perfection are similar ideas. We do want to be perfect , but then how do we define 'perfection'? If we can define , then i believe we are in a better position to understand what we want to be. Similar to the concept of God. We do want to follow God, but can we define? I believe once we can define either concept , other will complete the picture. Then may be all struggles will come to an end

- One single pillar which constituted Islamic social system was Justice. Irony is now we want everything but justice. Justice which differentiates right from wrong irrespective of who is at the receiving end.

- More i help others , more helpless i feel. Its just too much of a mess out there. Shall i give up? - No seems to be the answer. Because , i can just start that one spark which can burn down this whole jungle of mediocre mentality , unjust theories , illogical rationalities , pseudo-intellectual religious transformations.

- I love you , but is this enough?

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